Help Your Teen Protect Their Circle of Friends

Jun 5, 2018

Teens join the fight against human sex trafficking!

Bridging Freedom Founder and President, Laura Hamilton, was thrilled to mentor an area Girl Scout who created a human trafficking awareness campaign — and earned the Gold Award, the Scout’s highest achievement. An outstanding young leader, Evie gave several presentations in conjunction with Laura and created a teen-focused website, Drop the Bomb on Human Trafficking. She also hosted a charity tea, raising $1,700 in donations for Bridging Freedom’s therapeutic safe home campus — money that will provide school supplies, clothing, and comfort to rescued girls.

Evie created these Buddy Bombs, or B² — facts & warning signs that teens can use to help friends “blow up human trafficking.” Share them with the teens in your life!

Teen girls embracing







Is your friend in danger?

Does your friend:

  • have lots of new clothing or jewelry but can’t say where it came from
  • disappear sometimes without explanation
  • seem nervous or get angry when you ask questions
  • have mysterious cuts, bruises, or a new tattoo
  • make you promise not to tell anyone about his/her life

See the full list. If anything sounds familiar, call 211 for more information on how to help.

How to be a buddy

  • Know the signs that a friend is being used
  • Grab friends to form a “bomb squad” and help protect each other
  • Get it trending. Use #blowuphumantrafficking to spread the word on social media.
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